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Click here ( for printable form in PDF ) : NWOA – OWA membership renewal V1

Membership is open to all those interested in the objectives of the association. In the attched form (above) you will see the various options for joining.

  • Membership is now paid to the OWA . see the form above for payment process and options.

    The OWA membership year runs from Sept 15 to Sept 14 of the following year. ( will be due by Sept 15 each year)

    Any individual or corporation owning a woodlot in the County of Norfolk or surrounding area or living in this area but owning a woodlot elsewhere are welcome to join.

Memberships shall be taken out in the name of an individual, family, organization, corporation or business. However, there shall be only one vote per paid-up Full Member.

  1. The Board of Directors has the authority to grant, review and otherwise determine any membership and define the current status of each member.
  2. The full members in good standing shall be eligible to hold office, be entitled to nominate, or have the right to vote at any meeting of the Association. Any member failing to pay the required annual membership dues on or before the identified due date shall cease to be a member in good standing and the Board of Directors may strike the name of such member from the membership list.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the member to advise the Association of any change of address or status.
  4. Any member whose membership is lapsed or has been terminated in any manner shall forfeit all interest and property belonging to the Association and all rights and privileges extended by the Association.