Taxodium distichum









Owner: Anna Trzcieniecka
Nominator: Dan Bakke
Height: 20 m (65.6 ft)
 78.66 cm (30.9 in)
 247.0 cm (97.2 in)


The native range of baldcypress extends along the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain of the United States from southern Delaware to southern Florida and along the the lower Gulf Coast Plain to southeastern Texas. It can also be found growing inland along the many streams of the middle and upper coastal plains and northward through the Mississippi Valley to southeastern Oklahoma, southeastern Missouri, southern Illinois and southwestern Indiana. Trees can grow to reach heights of 45 m and diameters of 300 cm. Baldcypress wood has a multitude of uses and is well known for its ability to resist decay. Its wood is favoured for use in construction, fences, planking in boats, river pilings, furniture, interior trim, cabinetry, flooring and shingles.

Wilhite, L.P. & Toliver, J.R. (1990, December). Silvics of North America, Volume 1: Conifers. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Retrieved date (2010, December 14th) from

(Source: R. O’Brien)