Robinia pseudoacacia







Owner: Norfolk County – Road Allowance
Nominator: Brock Swainston
Height: 28.5 m (11.2 ft)
 117 cm (46 in)
 368.4 cm (145 in)


Black Locust can be found throughout eastern North America and parts of the west. It’s original native range centered around the Appalachian Mountains. This species grows well on most soil types but favours rich limestone soils. It grows rapidly in its juvenile years, and it is often used in landscaping and for the development of shelterbelts. It is not a commercially valuable timber species, but is suitable for pulp and fuelwood.

Huntley, J.C. (1990, December). Silvics of North America, Volume 2: Hardwoods. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Retrieved date (2010, December 14th) from

Black Locust leaf (Source: Auburn University)