Juglans cinerea

Picture coming soon – Spring 2012

Owner: Bill & Hilda Macovik
Nominator: Alexandra Macovik
Height: 31.4 m (103 ft)
 5149.81 cm (59 in)
 470.4 cm (185 in)


The Butternut is also known as the “White walnut’ or ‘Poor Man’s walnut’. This tree is a Species At Risk due to a fungus which causes Butternut Canker. This fungal disease has killed many butternut trees since the 1970’s. Butternut grows in southern New Brunswick through southern Quebec and Ontario and south into the eastern United States. It prefers to grow on rich well-drained bottom lands and on fertile hillsides. It is generally intolerant of shade but does grow well in the light shade provided by sugar maples. Its wood has little commercial value, but its nuts are oily and sweet and favoured by wildlife. Early pioneers would crush the nuts to a paste and spread it on bread like butter, thus the name butternut. For more information on this Species At Risk, please visit the Forest Gene Conservation Association’s website and their Landowner’s Guide for the Butternut. (Source: Focus on Forests)

Butternut (Source: Barb Boysens (Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve))