Amelanchier aborea









Owner: Adam Macsai
Nominator: Ross Bateman
Height: 19 m (62.3 ft)
 37.58 cm (14.8 in)
 118 cm (46.4 in)


The Downy Serviceberry is a member of the Rose family, and is a native shrub or small tree that typically grows to 10 m in height with a narrow, rounded crown. Named for its flowers which were often collected for church services, hence the name serviceberry. This species is widespread throughout southeastern Canada and the eastern United States. It can be found growing in a variety of habitats, from swampy lowlands to dry woods, sandy bluffs, rocky bluffs, forest edges, open woodlands and fields. Downy Serviceberry does not grow to any size to be of commercial value, but the wood is extremely heavy and is occasionally made into tool handles. The Cree prized it for making arrows. The fruit is favoured by wildlife including squirrels, rabbits, voles, chipmunks, mice, foxes, black bears and deer. The fruit tastes similar to blueberries and can be eaten fresh or cooked into pastries or puddings. Downy Serviceberry is often planted as an ornamental, favoured for its flowers and beautiful fall foliage.
(Source: USDA )

Downy Serviceberry flowers (Source: Native Ohio Plants )