Juniperus virginiana







Owner: Doverwood Cemetery
Nominator: Norfolk Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST)
Height:15.5 m (50.8 ft)
 86.46 cm (34 in)
 271.5 cm (106.9 in)


Eastern Red Cedar is also called red juniper and is a common coniferous species that grows on a variety of sites in southern Ontario and Quebec and throughout the eastern half of the United States. Although it is generally not considered to be an important commercial species, its wood is highly valued because of its beauty, durability, and workability. It provides cedarwood oil for fragrance compounds, food and shelter for wildlife, and protective vegetation for fragile soils.

Lawson, E. (1990, December). Silvics of North America, Volume 1: Conifers. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. Retrieved date (2010, December 14th) from

Eastern Red Cedar branch
