Tilia x europaea









Owner: Norfolk Golf & Country Club
Nominator: Norfolk Golf & Country Club
Height: 13 m (42.6 ft)
 71.02 cm (27.9 in)
 223 cm (87.8 in)


The European Linden is from the Tilia genus. Trees in this particular genus are often referred to as ‘lime’ in Britain and ‘linden’ or ‘basswood’ in North America. European Linden is a naturally occurring hybrid between the Common Lime tree, Tilia cordataand Tilia platphyllos. It occurs in the wild in Europe wherever the two parent species are native. It can grow to heights of 15-50 m tall. It is often planted as an ornamental, favoured for its fragrant flowers. (Source: Wikipedia )

European Linden leaves (Source: Brandeis University )