Juglans ailantifolia







Owner: Nancy Bedic
Nominator: Nevenka Bedic
Height: 22.4 m (73.5 ft)
 80.7 cm (31.8 in)
 253.4 cm (99.8 in)


The Heartut is also known as the Japanese Walnut, and is a species of walnut that is native to Japan. It typically grows to heights of 20-30 m, and 40-80 cm in diameter. The leaves are pinnate, 50-90 cm long, with 11-17 leaflets. The whole leaf is a somewhat brighter, yellower green than many other tree leaves. It produces a sweet, oily nut that is heart-shaped in cross-section. The very bold, decorative leaves and the attractive catkins produced in spring make it an excellent ornamental tree for planting in parks and large gardens. (Source: Wikipedia )

Heartnut (Source: Theo Health Products )