Populus grandidentata









Owner: John McRory
Nominator: Lauren, Ellie & Erica McKay
Height: 28.8 m (94.5 ft)
 44.78 cm (17.6 in)
 140.6 cm (55.4 in)


The Largetooth Aspen is also known as ‘Bigtooth Aspen’ and can be found from central Ontario through southern Quebec, Nova Scotia, PEI, and New Brunswick into the eastern United States. It grows best on moist, fertile soils. Associated forest cover can include alders, willows, trembling aspen, white birch, white spruce, balsam fir, jack and white pine. A member of the poplar family, it can be distinguished from other poplar species by its leaves which are simple, 6-12 cm long with 7-15 large uneven teeth on the margins. In early summer the leaves appear silver in colour, making the tree stand out. Largetooth aspen live about 60 years and usually grow to about 20 m high. The wood can be used for pulpwood and making paper. (Source: Focus on Forests )

Largetooth Aspen leaf (Source: NS DNR)