Maclura pomifera

Picture coming soon – Spring 2012

Owner: Norfolk County – Road Allowance
Nominator: Norfolk Environmental Stewardship Team (NEST)
Height: 15.5 m (50.9 ft)
 99.52 cm (39.2 in)
 312.5 cm (123 in)


The Osage Orange is also known as the hedge apple and is native to Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas but has become naturalized across the United States and parts of Ontario. A small tree or large shrub, typically growing 8-15 m tall. It produces fruit that is roughly spherical, but bumpy, and 7-15 cm in diameter. In fall, the fruit turns a bright yellow-green and has a faint odour similar to oranges. The heavy, close-grained yellow-orange wood is very dense and is prized for tool handles, fence posts. Straight-grained osage timber makes very good bows. (Source: Wikipedia )

Osage Orange leaves and fruit (Source: Wikipedia )