Acer saccharinum









Owner: Donna Rutherford/Patsy Boughner
Nominator: Allan Boughner
Height: 35 m (114.8 ft)
 193.95 cm (76.4 in)
 609 cm (240 in)


The Silver Maple is a medium-sized tree that can be found from New Brunswick, southern Quebec, southern Ontario, through to much of the eastern and central United States. Mature trees reach heights of 26-37 m. It prefers better-drained, moist soils, and can be found in swampy areas or along streams. Associated forest cover includes American elm, swamp white oak, green ash, yellow birch, eastern hemlock. Silver maple is moderately to very shade-intolerant. It has a shallow, fibrous root system that is known for invading and clogging underground drainage and water lines that are not tightly constructed. It produces winged seeds are the largest of all the native maples and are produced in great abundance annually, providing many birds and small mammals with food. It is an attractive tree with delicate and graceful foliage, often planted as an ornamental. It can be distinguished from other maples by its deeply lobed leaves that are silver underneath. (Source: Silvics of North America)

Silver Maple leaves
(Source: Wikipedia)