Quercus bicolor









Owner: Karen Shaver/Russell Hollet
Nominator: Russell Hollet
Height: 26.1 m (85.6 ft)
 142.68 cm (56.2 in)
 448 cm (176.4 in)


The Swamp White Oak is a medium-sized tree found in southern Quebec and Ontario and throughout most of the northeastern United States. It can be found growing in lowlands, along edges of streams and in swamps that are subject to flooding. Associated forest cover includes red maple, silver maple, american elm, green ash, bur oak, basswood, shagbark and shell bark hickory. A long-lived tree, it can live to 350 years, and grows between 18-23 m in height. It is classed as intermediate in tolerance to shade, and in forest settings it develops a straight bole with ascending branches and a narrow crown. Open-grown trees are poorly formed and often have persistent lower branches. Its acorns are sweet, like others in the white oak group, and are eaten by squirrels and other wildlife. (Source: Silvics of North America)

Swamp White Oak leaves(Source: Iowa State Univeristy)