Populus tremuloides









Owner: Long Point Region Conservation Authority – Vittoria C.A.
Nominator: Norfolk Environmental Stewardship Team
Height: 27.1 m (88.9 ft)
 57.71 cm (22.7 in)
 181.2 cm (71.3 in)


Trembling Aspen also known as quaking aspen is the most widely distributed tree in North America. It grows on many soil types, especially sandy and gravelly slopes and is quick to pioneer disturbed sites where there is bare soil. It is a fast-growing tree that is short lived. Its native range extends from Newfoundland and Labrador west across Canada along the northern limit of trees to northwestern Alaska, and southeast through Yukon and British Columbia. Throughout the western United States it is mostly in the mountains from Washington to California, souther Arizona and northern Nebraska. Trembling aspen grows with a large number of trees over its extensive range including other aspens and white spruce. It provides habitat for a wide variety of wildlife needing young forests, including black bear, deer, elk, ruffed grouse, woodcock and other birds. Aspen forests allow more water or ground water recharge and streamflow than do conifer forests. Wood products from aspen include pulp, particleboard, lumber veneer, plywood, and shingles. It also makes particularly good sauna benches and playground structures because the wood surface does not splinter. (Source: Silvics of North America)

Trembling aspen leaf(Source: MNR)