Liriodendron tulipifera









Owner: Larry & Wilma Blizman
Nominator: Larry & Wilma Blizman
Height: 28.8 m (94.5 ft)
 194.52 cm (76.6 in)
 610.8 cm (240.5 in)


The Tulip Tree is also known as the Yellow Poplar and is one of the most attractive and tallest of the hardwood species in North America. It is fast-growing and may reach 300 years of age on deep, rich, well-drained soils. Its native range exists from the eastern United States from southern New England west through southern Ontario and Michigan, south to Louisiana, then east to north-central Florida. Associated forest cover may include eastern hemlock, white oak, red oak, white pine, beech, sugar maple and sassafras. It can grow to heights of 25-35 m, and grows a tall, straight trunk that is often clear of branches for a considerable height. With its shiny green leaves, statuesque appearance and distinctive tulip-shaped flower, the tulip tree is an excellent ornamental for parks and gardens where there is room to accommodate its large size. Its wood is extremely versatile with a multitude of uses such as lumber for unexposed furniture parts and core stock and plywood. (Source: Silvics of North America)

Tulip Tree leaves and flower(Source: Wikipedia)