Malus coronaria







Owner: Dale Vranckx
Nominator: Dale Vranckx
Height: 11.2 m (36.7 ft)
 69.11 cm (27.2 in)
 217 cm (85.4 in)


The Wild Crab Apple is a low, bushy tree, that rarely grows over 10 m high. Its wood is heavy, fine grained, weak, and reddish-brown in colour. It flowers in late May or early June, after the leaves and produces flowers that are white to deep pink, and fragrant. The fruit is yellow, 2.5 cm in diameter, ripens in September. The fruit is sour but can be made into jelly and preserves. Its preferred habitat is upland woods and can be found from Ontario to Minnesota, south to Alambama, west to Nebraska and Texas and east to New York to South Carolina. (Source: Plant Guide)

Wild Crab Apple in bloom (Source: Duke University)